With sentence no. 21241 of the 17 March 2022 (dep. 31 May 2022), la prima Sezione Penale della Corte di Cassazione ha offerto importanti indicazioni circa le regole di valutazione della prova indiziaria, with particular reference to the so-called. “alibi falso” e al mendacio dell'imputato L'art....

Process suspension with probation is an alternative way of defining the process, activated from the preliminary investigation stage, through which it is possible to reach a ruling of acquittal for extinction of the crime, where the trial period you access...

The preliminary hearing before celebrating the G.U.P., and its function is to ensure that the judge checks the validity and the merits of the indictment formulated by p.m. . In addition to this, It can act as a seat for advance definition of the procedure, could the ...

The oral evidence in criminal proceedings is taken through the cross-examination of the witness, ie the set of rules by which the parties may ask questions directly and orally to the heads. At the Judge has the direct control about the form, having the Judicial ...

The decree of summons to judgment is the act by which the p.m. prosecutes citing the accused to appear directly before the Judge Tribunal and is covered by the 'art. 552 c.p.p. . With this mode of vocatio in ius, being the p.m. to adopt the decree,...