Bribery is a crime which is defined as the abuse of power or extortion by a public official or public service officer. It is considered a form of bribery and is prosecuted by law in many countries. Concussion occurs when...

The crime of persecutory acts is supplemented by the conduct of bullying by the employer who puts in place a targeted reiteration of multiple attitudes converging in expressing hostility towards the employee and preordained for his mortification and isolation in the workplace: Employer's conduct..

There is the aggravating circumstance of the 'impaired defense' in the hypothesis of fraud committed through the sale of products online; in this case, the distance between the victim's location, who usually pays the price of the goods sold in advance, and what in which, instead, and...

John Falcone in 1992, at the first meeting of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at the United Nations, he hoped for the introduction of supranational legislation aimed at combating forms of organized crime. The achieved awareness of the...

The typical conduct of the crime of theft with snatch, ex art. 624 to c.p., it occurs when the violence is immediately directed towards the thing and only indirectly towards the person who holds it, though, due to the physical relationship between ....

All fraudulent tax crimes, and therefore also that of tax fraud, are suitable are suitable to act as a prerequisite for money laundering because the reference in art. 648 to c.p. the 'other utilities' may well include the cost savings that the agent obtains by avoiding ...

There is the aggravating circumstance of the 'impaired defense' in the hypothesis of fraud committed through the sale of products online; in this case, the distance between the victim's location, who usually pays the price of the goods sold in advance, and what in which, instead, and...

The abuse of means of correction or discipline, provided for and punished by art. 571 c.p., consists in the inappropriate use of methods, tools and, However, corrective or educational behaviors, ordinarily permitted by general and sector regulations, as well as from pedagogical science. In the school environment, indeed, il potere...

The crime of persecutory acts is supplemented by the conduct of bullying by the employer who puts in place a targeted reiteration of multiple attitudes converging in expressing hostility towards the employee and preordained for his mortification and isolation in the workplace: Employer's conduct..