On the subject of theft, where the agent, operating in the same temporal and spatial context, It comes into possession of a piece of property and fails, for reasons beyond their control, to take possession of other existing in the same place, It is realized only consumed a crime, not being able to ...

On the subject of wear, the state of need is not to be understood as a state of necessity such as to absolutely annihilate any freedom of choice, but as an urgent nagging that, limiting the will of the subject, induce him to resort to credit on terms..

The artifice and deception provided for by art. 640 c.p. they do not consist only of a peculiar one, subtle and shrewd representation of reality, artfully falsely described, any simulation or dissimulation or any shrewd or sneaky expedient put in place to induce someone into ...

The typical conduct of the crime of theft with snatch, ex art. 624 to c.p., it occurs when the violence is immediately directed towards the thing and only indirectly towards the person who holds it, though, due to the physical relationship between ....

The typical conduct of the crime of theft with snatch, ex art. 624 to c.p., it occurs when the violence is immediately directed towards the thing and only indirectly towards the person who holds it, though, due to the physical relationship between ....